Connecterra Third-Party Data Sharing Agreement

By checking the box, you agree that the data indicated below will be shared with the third party named in the Connecterra form until such time that you indicate otherwise.

Shared data includes:
Data type
Your business name and address details (street, city, state, zip, and country)
Your location/contact information is available in the Connecterra app, which is accessible to the partner
For the Connecterra Platform contract duration
Cow behavior data (lying/ruminating/eating, etc.) coming from a wearable device
Provides shared visibility of your farm metrics between you and the third party
For the Connecterra Platform contract duration
Connecterra Platform product-related data (usage of the app and related metrics)
Integrating into the Connecterra Platform to follow metrics set between you and the third party
For the Connecterra Platform contract duration
Your farm management, feed software, and other specified software which is synchronized with the cow behavior data
Integrating into the Connecterra Platform to follow metrics set between you and the third party
For the Connecterra Platform contract duration
Form submission or sign up is considered informed consent to share the above data.